Discussion Biscuits
Aner Voloder is a lawyer and project manager of the Gender Equality Office of the City of Zurich as well as a member of the counselling team belaestigt.ch. He kindly agreed to comment on the statements that were baked into discussion biscuits.
Are there any unproblematic jokes related to sexuality?
"In general, sexually or sexist language, jokes or similar behaviours do not belong in the work context. Supervisors have a role model function and it is up to them to set limits on how and what is talked about in the workplace. We should also be aware that jokes with a sexual undertone, remarks or the likes are often a demonstration of power."
Can I hang nude art in the office?
"Material with sexual connotations does not belong in the workplace unless it is directly related to the activity being performed. Nude art, for example, would therefore be unproblematic in a gallery or in an art academy. However, even in this constellation, it is questionable whether there are definitive reasons why it must or should be hung in an office."
Can I ask my fellow students or work colleagues about their relationship status?
"Relationship status is part of a person's privacy. Depending on the context and the relationship, such a question can certainly seem invasive. If in doubt, it is advisable to wait until the person in question reveals something about their relationship status themselves, for example during a shared coffee break."
Can I ask my fellow students or work colleagues about their sexual orientation?
"Direct questions about sexual orientation can be perceived as intrusive and as an infringement of personal rights. It depends very much on the relationship and the context. It is advisable to wait until the person reveals something about it, e.g. when talking about private life in a casual setting or when the person tells about his or her holidays with his or her partner during the coffee break. "
Can romantic relationships between supervisors and their subordinates be unproblematic?
"These are fundamentally problematic because in these constellations private and professional interests get in the way. Conflicts of interest and loyalty can hardly be avoided due to the hierarchical relationship (superior function, authority to issue directives, duty to assess performance, etc.) and can lead to tensions – even within a team - and even to abuse of power."
Do people we think are beautiful want to know that?
"It is difficult to give a general answer to this question. The decisive factor is the subjective perception of the recipient of such a statement and whether they take it as a compliment or not. The relationship between the participants also plays a role. If undesirability is signaled (e.g. through facial expressions), you should of course stop immediately."
Fighting back in the moment of harassment is only possible in Hollywood movies.
"When a boundary is crossed or an assault occurs, the person affected may initially experience a state of shock. It is not always possible or even reasonable to expect that person to counter with a quick response, especially if there is a strong or dependent relationship with the perpetrator. This is why it is so important to make managers and employees aware of these issues. A specially developed training course can equip them with the skills needed to support others and confidently intervene rather than turning a blind eye."
I felt uncomfortable but didn't realise until months later that I had been sexually harassed. Is that possible?
“It is certainly possible. And it is perfectly legitimate to not realise or acknowledge it until later. Violations of boundaries and violations of personal integrity take time to process. Seek appropriate counselling and get support from, for example, belästigt.ch.”
If I watch porn silently on my mobile during the break and no one looks at my screen, that's okay.
"Pornographic material in the workplace is generally prohibited under the Gender Equality Act GEA. It does not matter whether another person is watching, witnessing or not."
In my opinion, supervisors and employees should not go out for a beer together.
"In principle, having a beer together is unproblematic, unless the motives for this event lie outside the professional or purely collegial context. In hierarchical relationships, there is always the potential danger of a conflict of interest. Accordingly, the « framework conditions » are to be definied clearly."
Is it appropriate to hug fellow students or colleagues on their birthdays?
"Here, too, it depends on the existing relationship between the participants. Are warm greetings with physical contact already the norm? The subjective feeling of the person concerned is always decisive. Each person defines his or her own personal boundaries, which the others have to respect. Taking these considerations into account,, a hug can also feel like crossing the line."
Which is more difficult: to defend yourself against lewd looks or lewd remarks?
“There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The difficulty with lewd looks is that they are often not immediately recognisable as such. And they can easily lead to other things. What matters is that individuals experiencing undesirable behaviour take their feelings seriously and understand that they have the legal right to a workplace free from harassment. It is also important that they discuss their concerns with appropriately trained people.”
Why is it easier for me to ask for help and support for others than for myself?
"In situations where boundaries are crossed, the people affected often feel that they have no control over what is and what isn't acceptable. Because of the powerlessness, helplessness or shame it evokes, they frequently downplay or minimise the harassing behaviour they have experienced. Civil courage is vital because it conveys to those involved that they are being wronged and that others see it as unacceptable."
Witnesses of sexual harassment who do nothing about it are, for me, accomplices.
“A blanket statement like this is problematical, especially if you consider the dependency relationships and power dynamics prevalent in the workplace. When it comes to reporting, countering and intervening, witnesses often share similar concerns to the victims: fear of losing their job (retaliatory dismissal), exclusion, recrimination and other forms of negative consequences. Witness contributions are always desirable in combating a toxic, sexualised, homophobic and transphobic corporate culture and in dismantling structural sexism at work, which remains a pervasive issue.”
X. is pansexual/asexual/... I have many questions about this. Can I ask X the questions?
"Direct questions about sexuality, sexual orientation, or gender identity can not only be transgressive but also violate personal rights, especially if the information already available does not come from the person concerned. However, if he or she has already talked about it, it is advisable to ask directly if a few more questions can be asked about it if you are still curious. If the person refuses, this should be accepted without reservation."