Sexual harassment and sexism are social problems that are also a reality within the walls of Swiss universities and research institutes. Indeed, an increasing number of risk factors exist within a university environment that can increase the likelihood of inappropriate behaviour. These include precarious employment conditions, dependency relationships, hierarchical structures and, in some areas, a lack of diversity at management level.
Numerous studies and campaigns have shown that sexual harassment occurs in every higher education discipline and is experienced and perpetrated by all groups – students, lecturers, doctoral students, professors, supervisors and other employees.
Swiss universities and research institutions are committed to providing a respectful environment in which everyone within the sector can study and work safely. This is why swissuniversities has introduced the Sexual Harassment Awareness Day within the framework of the project "P-7: Diversity, Inclusion and Equality in Higher Education Institutions". The first of these was held throughout Switzerland on 23 March 2023. Their aim is to identify the causes, forms and consequences of sexual harassment. Because preventing sexual harassment requires knowledge and awareness.
The campaign and programme of events were developed in cooperation with the following partner institutions:
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Bern University of Teacher Education
University of Bern
University of Friburg
University of Geneva
University of Lucerne (leading house)
University of Neuchâtel
University of St. Gallen
University of Zurich